News Center - Press Releases - Former landfill site in Nuthe-Urstromtal, Germany turned into 1.6 MW solar park by Ka-Energy Solutions GmbH - Delta EMEA


Former landfill site in Nuthe-Urstromtal, Germany turned into 1.6 MW solar park by Ka-Energy Solutions GmbH

Ka-Energy Solutions GmbH celebrated the opening of the newly constructed 1.6 MW solar park at the former landfill site in Felgentreu with an inauguration ceremony, attended by the mayor of Nuthe-Urstromtal, Ms. Monika Nestler. The ceremony opened with a few words from Ka-Energy Solutions and the mayor, and then the solar park was officially connected to the E.DIS grid. E.DIS AG is the local grid operator in the region. Now that the solar park is connected to the local grid it is expected that it will supply nearly 1.628 million kWh of clean solar electricity annually for 410 households in the region.

In regard to the solar park project, the Berlin-based developer and general contractor Ka-Energy Solutions GmbH put great emphasis on quality. Mr. Hasan Kaygusuz, CEO of Ka-Energy stated: “With this project we wanted to send a clear message in support of the growing solar industry in the Brandenburg region. For this reason we have selected high quality PV components from reliable production facilities, such as the string inverters from Delta. We are investing a total of 1.8 million Euros in the solar park and together with the locally funded special purpose vehicle we want to make sure that the tax revenues flow directly into the region.”

The new solar park sits on 3.5 hectares of land, an area which is larger than the terminal building at the new Berlin Brandenburg airport, and is located directly next to the Naturpark Nuthe-Nieplitz. Clean solar energy is produced at Solarpark Felgentreu / Zinnaer Strasse GmbH thanks to 6,512 solar panels and the 48 Delta Solivia 30 TLs + 2 Delta Solivia 20 TLs.

Solivia Inverters from Delta are characterized by a robust and reliable design that can withstand even the most extreme weather conditions. The housing is made of high quality aluminium covered with a special finish to make the inverter very durable and corrosion-resistant. This makes the TL-series inverters the perfect choice for installations in protected outdoor areas. In combination with its high efficiency, a long-lasting and reliable operation is guaranteed

Now the new solar park from Ka-Energy Solutions GmbH is utilizing former contaminated land in a forward-looking and environmentally friendly way, a nice prospect for an empty landfill site sitting next to a pristine nature park. Furthermore, the solar park will provide an annual savings of approx. 1,400 tons of carbon dioxide – a value representing the yearly CO2 emission of 750 cars on the road.

Brandenburg has become an ideal environment for investors in the solar industry. In the past 8 years, the total solar energy produced in the federal state of Brandenburg has increased 21 fold. 100,000 households in the region receive clean energy from the sun. The region is ideal for even more solar parks in the future. In Teltow-Fläming alone, 19.1 % of the area has been deemed unsuitable for farming or other commercial uses due to contamination, but ideal for the development of clean energy producing solar parks.

With its inverters, Delta has made an important contribution to the success of the solar industry in Brandenburg and once again made evident that they will continue to advance their mission to provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions.

News Source:Delta EMEA